
244 lines
8.1 KiB

import datetime
import random
import re
from hashlib import md5
from typing import Any
import uuid
from calendar import timegm
from rest_framework_jwt.serializers import jwt_encode_handler
from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings
def convert_to_relative_time(time_string):
# 将时间字符串转换为datetime对象
if not isinstance(time_string, datetime.datetime):
time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
time = time_string
# 获取当前时间
current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# 计算时间差
time_difference = current_time - time
# 提取相对时间的各个单位
days = time_difference.days
seconds = time_difference.seconds
minutes = seconds // 60
hours = minutes // 60
# 根据时间差生成相对时间字符串
if days > 0:
return f"{days}天前"
elif hours > 0:
return f"{hours}小时前"
elif minutes > 0:
return f"{minutes}分钟前"
return "刚刚"
def generate_options_by_choices(choices):
data = []
for value, label in choices:
'value': value,
'label': label,
return data
def jwt_payload_handler(user):
username_field = 'username'
username = user.username
payload = {
'user_id': user.pk,
'username': username,
'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + api_settings.JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA
if hasattr(user, 'email'):
payload['email'] = user.email
if isinstance(user.pk, uuid.UUID):
payload['user_id'] = str(user.pk)
payload[username_field] = username
# Include original issued at time for a brand new token,
# to allow token refresh
if api_settings.JWT_ALLOW_REFRESH:
payload['orig_iat'] = timegm(
if api_settings.JWT_AUDIENCE is not None:
payload['aud'] = api_settings.JWT_AUDIENCE
if api_settings.JWT_ISSUER is not None:
payload['iss'] = api_settings.JWT_ISSUER
return payload
def create_jwt(user):
payload = jwt_payload_handler(user)
return jwt_encode_handler(payload)
def generate_columns(model):
columns = []
fields = model._meta.fields
for field in fields:
column = {
"title": field.verbose_name,
"dataIndex": field.name,
"align": 'center',
"slots": {"customRender": field.name},
return columns
def md5_obj(byte_obj: Any):
md = md5()
return md.hexdigest()
class InviteCode:
r1 = ["Z", "X", "9", "L", "C", "7", "P", "Q", "W", "E", "8", "S", "2", "D", "5", "K", "3", "M", "J", "U", "F", "R",
"4", "V", "Y", "T", "N", "6", "B", "G", "H"]
r2 = ["C", "P", "K", "M", "Q", "W", "E", "S", "D", "Z", "X", "L", "J", "U", "F", "R", "V", "Y", "T", "N", "B", "G",
"H", "A"]
r3 = ["P", "5", "K", "3", "M", "J", "U", "F", "Q", "L", "W", "E", "8", "S", "2", "D", "Z", "X", "9", "Y", "T", "N",
"6", "B", "G", "H", "C", "7", "R", "4", "V"]
r4 = ["J", "U", "F", "R", "V", "Y", "Q", "W", "E", "S", "L", "K", "M", "D", "Z", "X", "A", "C", "P", "G", "H", "T",
"N", "B"]
r5 = ["M", "J", "U", "F", "R", "4", "Q", "W", "E", "8", "S", "2", "D", "Z", "X", "9", "L", "C", "7", "P", "5", "K",
"3", "V", "Y", "T", "N", "6", "B", "G", "H"]
r6 = ["Y", "T", "N", "B", "G", "H", "L", "C", "P", "Q", "W", "E", "S", "D", "Z", "X", "R", "V", "K", "M", "J", "U",
"F", "A"]
r7 = ["X", "9", "L", "C", "7", "P", "5", "K", "3", "Q", "W", "E", "8", "S", "2", "D", "Z", "M", "J", "U", "F", "R",
"4", "V", "Y", "T", "N", "6", "B", "G", "H"]
def create_code(id):
bin_len = 31
ind = 0
i = 1
builder = []
while id / bin_len > 0:
ind = int(id % bin_len)
if ind != 0 or (ind == 0 and id == bin_len) or (ind == 0 or i == 1):
if i == 1:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r7))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r6)
elif i == 2:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r6))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r5)
elif i == 3:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r5))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r4)
elif i == 4:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r4))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r3)
elif i == 5:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r3))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r2)
elif i == 6:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r2))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r1)
elif i == 7:
id = int(id / len(InviteCode.r1))
bin_len = len(InviteCode.r1)
i += 1
index = 0
first_index = id if id > 0 and id / bin_len == 0 else 0
if i == 1:
InviteCode.r7[id] + InviteCode.r6[index] + InviteCode.r5[index] + InviteCode.r4[index] + InviteCode.r3[
index] + InviteCode.r2[index] + InviteCode.r1[index])
elif i == 2:
InviteCode.r6[first_index] + InviteCode.r5[index] + InviteCode.r4[index] + InviteCode.r3[index] +
InviteCode.r2[index] + InviteCode.r1[index])
elif i == 3:
InviteCode.r5[first_index] + InviteCode.r4[index] + InviteCode.r3[index] + InviteCode.r2[index] +
elif i == 4:
InviteCode.r4[first_index] + InviteCode.r3[index] + InviteCode.r2[index] + InviteCode.r1[index])
elif i == 5:
builder.append(InviteCode.r3[first_index] + InviteCode.r2[index] + InviteCode.r1[index])
elif i == 6:
builder.append(InviteCode.r2[first_index] + InviteCode.r1[index])
elif i == 7:
str = ''.join(builder)
res = str[::-1]
code = res
return code
def decode(code):
chs = list(code)
res = 0
c1 = chs[0]
index_of_c1 = InviteCode.r1.index(c1)
if index_of_c1 > 0:
temp = 24 * 31 * 24 * 31 * 24 * 31
res += index_of_c1 * temp
c2 = chs[1]
index_of_c2 = InviteCode.r2.index(c2)
if index_of_c2 > 0:
temp = 31 * 24 * 31 * 24 * 31
res += index_of_c2 * temp
c3 = chs[2]
index_of_c3 = InviteCode.r3.index(c3)
if index_of_c3 > 0:
temp = 24 * 31 * 24 * 31
res += index_of_c3 * temp
c4 = chs[3]
index_of_c4 = InviteCode.r4.index(c4)
if index_of_c4 > 0:
temp = 31 * 24 * 31
res += index_of_c4 * temp
c5 = chs[4]
index_of_c5 = InviteCode.r5.index(c5)
if index_of_c5 > 0:
temp = 24 * 31
res += index_of_c5 * temp
c6 = chs[5]
index_of_c6 = InviteCode.r6.index(c6)
if index_of_c6 > 0:
temp = 31
res += index_of_c6 * temp
c7 = chs[6]
index_of_c7 = InviteCode.r7.index(c7)
if index_of_c7 > 0:
res += index_of_c7 * 1
return res
def is_mobile(mobile):
return bool(re.match(r'^(13[0-9]|14[01456879]|15[0-35-9]|16[2567]|17[0-8]|18[0-9]|19[0-35-9])\d{8}$', mobile))
def generate_phone_code(length=6) -> str:
""" 生成手机验证码 """
number_list = range(0, 10)
return ''.join(map(lambda i: str(i), random.choices(number_list, k=length)))